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Conversions between the data types double and CString

The private member functions DoubleToString, CStringToDouble and StripEndingZero are used to convert the content of the member variables m_dValue to m_strValue and vice versa. The beauty of the functions is that they don't convert itself, but delegate the real job to std::istringstream and std::ostringstream respectively, though the unit must be considered.

double CHertzEdit::CStringToDouble(CString &str)
        double d;

        if (((m_bNegativAllowed==FALSE) && (str.FindOneOf("-") != -1)) ||
                (str.CompareNoCase("invalid") == 0))
                // copy String into the stream
                int i=str.GetLength();
                std::istringstream ist(str.GetBuffer(i));

                double d1;
                char c[3];

                // Split value and unit
                ist >> d1 >> c;
                CString strEinheit(c);

                // Adjust the value to the unit
                if (!strEinheit.CompareNoCase("Hz"))
                else if (!strEinheit.CompareNoCase("kHz"))
                else if (!strEinheit.CompareNoCase("MHz"))

std::string CHertzEdit::DoubleToString(double d)
        double d1, d2;

        std::ostringstream ost;
        ost.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield);


        if (d < 0.0 && !m_bNegativAllowed)
                ost << "Invalid" << std::ends;
        else if (d2 < 1000.0) // Hz
                d1 = d;
                ost << std::setprecision(1);
                ost << d1;
                ost << " Hz" << std::ends;
        else if (d2 < 1000000.0) // KHz
                d1 = d / 1000.0;
                ost << std::setprecision(4);
                ost << d1;
                ost << " KHz" << std::ends;
        else if (d2 > 10.0e9) // to huge...
                ost << "Invalid" << std::ends;
        else // MHz
                d1 = d / 1000000.0;
                ost << std::setprecision(7);
                ost << d1;
                ost << " MHz" << std::ends;


void CHertzEdit::StripEndingZero(std::ostringstream &oststr)
        std::string strString= oststr.str();
        std::string::iterator it = strString.end();

         // last char == '0' ?
         while ( *(it) == '0' && it != strString.begin())
                // yes
                // is a '.' in front of it?
                if ( *(it-1) != '.')
                        // no => erase '0'
                        it = strString.end();
                        // else => keep '0' (e.g. 1.0)
        // no
        // reinit oststr
        oststr << strString;