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Automatic Deinstallation

You can deinstall Calimah Scheduler as any other software by using the system control. Open it, choose "Software" and "Calimah Scheduler". This will stop the service, deinstall it, remove any files from Calimah and remove the HKLM/Software/OGroeger registry key.

Manual Deinstallation

You must perform the following actions to deinstall Calimah Scheduler manually:

  • Stop the service SchedSvc either by using the services control panel or by opening a console (cmd.exe) and executing SchedSvc.exe -e in your SYSTEM32 directory.
  • Deinstall the service by opening a console (cmd.exe) and executing SchedSvc.exe -u in your SYSTEM32 directory.
  • Delete the files SchedSvc.exe, SchedCpl.cpl and SchedCpl.ico from your SYSTEM32 directory.
  • Open a registry editor and remove the key HKLM/Software/OGroeger and all subkeys.
  • Remove the documentation files.